Thursday, April 30, 2009


They made it a PG 13 film!!! Wusses!!!

I certainly hope that with this rating (which will obviously attract a younger audience) that the film doesn't sacrifice a good story for neat-o explosions.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

(Possible) Names for Span's show

(For those of you who are unfamiliar with who I am talking about, Span is the 7 to Midnight jock at Q 106. Yes, Span is his real name. Anyway, his predecessor called his show "The Asylum". Because I was bored, I tossed around a few ideas that Span could call the show, now that it's his.)

*Spoonin' with Span

*Getting forked by Span. (nah)

*Span, Span, he's the man....if he can't do it.... MAC D can.... (maybe)


*Span's Highly Intellectual Theatre (spoken with British accent)

That's it for now. My money is the first one, or the last one. Come to think of it, the last one probably works best; especially if it's abbreviated with the first letter of each word.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Glad I don't work for them!

Clear Channel cut 590 radio jobs today! DAMN

Bring back the private owners!!!!

From the AP:
Tue Apr 28, 8:29 pm ET

SAN ANTONIO – Clear Channel Communications Inc., the largest owner of U.S. radio stations, said Tuesday it is cutting 590 jobs, including some on-air personalities, in its second round of mass layoffs this year amid pressure from the recession and evaporating advertising budgets.

Clear Channel's parent company, CC Media Holdings Inc., also said it will suspend its 401(k) match for all employees for the rest of the year, starting Friday. However, if the company hits 90 percent of its budget goals at the end of the year, the matches will be retroactively restored, a company spokeswoman said.

The latest cuts represent 2.7 percent of company's total work force of 22,100. They affect operational jobs like engineering, accounting and customer service, all in the radio division. The company also has an outdoor advertising division, which sells items like billboard space and wasn't affected by the job cuts.

The previous cuts of 1,850 jobs came in January and were also in the radio division, mostly in sales.

Clear Channel didn't break out the latest cuts by geography or job function, but said they do include some on-air personalities, whose identities weren't disclosed. Employees were notified of the cuts Tuesday.

Monday, April 27, 2009

It certainly DOES feel like a Monday

Damn. I think I should just sleep all day.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Got it!!!

So, there are certain members of Layne's family (my fiance) and certain members of my family who are unhappy with our relationship, and seem to be hell bent on making things as miserable as possible for us.

It's tough. We're both trying to take the high road, turn the other cheek, be the bigger person, etc. Swallowing one's pride is nauseating.

I've thought of the perfect analogy:

With our two families it's like vomiting and diarrhea; we're getting it on both ends.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Should have let Fredo handle it......

Oops....The Family's gonna be pissed.

Publisher: Please give us back our illegal weapons
by Mike Smith

Pens? Snore. T-shirts? Boring. Notepads? Been there, done that. Thinking up creative ideas for promotional tchotchkes can't be easy, but someone at uber-publisher Electronic Arts went a little too far last week.

The game in question: Godfather II, a Grand Theft Auto-style adventure based on the famous movie. The offending item: a set of brass knuckles, mailed to video games journalists together with other goodies including a cigar, a silk handkerchief, and a book of matches. But while it nicely complements the game's mafiosi theme, it also had the unfortunate side-effect of turning recipients of the mailing into criminals, as mere possession of brass knuckles is illegal in many states and can carry hefty penalties. After blog GamePolitics expressed its consternation, the publisher began a flurry of hush-hush phone calls to arrange the return of the weapons. EA declined to comment beyond expressing a desire to assist journalists in proper disposal of the items. The controversial promo also doesn't seem to be helping out the game's critical fortunes: it's turning in some decidedly mixed reviews.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Picture of the week

This best describes how I feel about people on most days.

Thanks, Kimmy!

I can dig it

From Facebook:

Domingo took the Which Beatle are you? quiz and the result is John Lennon
John is the leader. He has his chin up, looking down his nose, feet apart, and drives the band with his rhythm guitar and raunchy voice. John was a screamer vocally but could also rival Paul when singing soft ballads. John doesn't take his job as leader seriously, and is often malicious, especially towards George and Ringo. He never sits, he slouches. He will often pull funny faces and immediately wipe it off. The other Beatles always want to know what John thinks and are influenced by John's thoughts about them. John tends to use sarcastic,dry,cheeky humor. He is extremely lazy and overly laid-back. Yet he truly cares about the band members and will do anything for them.

Domingo completed the quiz "Which Jedi are you?" with the result Obi Wan Kenobi.
You are smart and patient. You've learned to think first and act later. The tragedies in your life have made you wiser.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I'm all about this!!

Let's bring 'em back to Lansing!! Demand it!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


More SNOW? Really? After such a nice weekend off, too. Can I call in sick?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Reading is FUNdamental

I don't read nearly as much as I should. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I've dulled my attention span over the years with TV and video games. I read maybe 2 or 3 books per year. My fiance reads an average of 2 or 3 books per week. PER WEEK. Now, I'm not trying to compete with her, but that is definitely enough of reason to inspire me to crack a book more often.

I am currently reading:

And on deck:

With more Puzo and Godfather books to follow! Hey, maybe Mafia stories will be my thing.