Monday, August 31, 2009

Halloween 2: Zombie Overkill

Let me start by saying that I've been a fan of the Halloween series for many years now. The original 1978 Halloween by John Carpenter is a classic (which is a bold statement by today's 'standards', ie. people with such small attention spans-if there isn't enough action-it's boring). The series got progressively silly from that point on (Michael's mask is different in EVERY movie), but so what? It's a slasher series. It's supposed to be fun to watch, and not taken seriously.

A couple of years back, Rob Zombie was tapped to write and direct the 9th film in the Halloween series. He decided to do a "reboot" and start the story from scratch. Zombie releases his Halloween in August of 2007. I gave that film a B- when I reviewed it. "There's plenty of blood, and there are plenty of boobies (not to mention a good amount of fucking, refereces to fucking and plenty of utterences of the word "fuck"). It's a slasher flick. It's Rob Zombie. You do the math. Just don't expect an AWESOME film."

Here we are 2 years later, with another Zombie Halloween film. More boobs! More gore! More Michael! MORE BACK STORY!!!!

Rob Zombie took a simple thing like the boogey man and turned it into a long, twisted story that requires too much thought to be considered fun.

The original Halloween: Little boy kills his older sister. He's locked up for 15 years at a mental hospital. He escapes and goes after 3 High School chicks. He wears a white mask that hides his face and features. He kills a lot of people. Why? NO EXPLANATION. SPOOKY!!!

Rob Zombie's Halloween: Ugly kid gets picked on at school. Has an asshole for a stepdad, a slutty sister and a mother who strips. He snaps! And kills a lot of people.... Spooky? Naw. Ugly kid escapes mental institution as an adult and goes after his younger sister. Wears a mask and kills a lot of people.....

Rob Zombie's Halloween 2: Escaped lunatic lives as a bum...... kills a lot of people... is still crazy..... has mommy issues..... kills a lot of people.... goes after younger sister...... who somehow feels a connection..... ???

Basically, Rob Zombie decided to add LAYERS and LAYERS to a story that shouldn't have been fucked with at all.

Not spectacular. I give it a C

P.S. I spent the past week trying to come up with the appropriate words for this review. I did what Rob Zombie did..... I OVERTHOUGHT!!!!

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