Monday, January 19, 2009

I don't get it

I'm 30; I'm fairly tech savy. I text (slowly), I use the voice mail on my phones (both a cellular AND a land line), I LOVE my digital cable, and I enjoy the internet. I have a Myspace page to keep in touch with people, and to re-connect with others. Cool. Simple enough. Now I find myself toying with the latest craze: Facebook. I created a Facebook page a year ago. Hated it. I found it too intrusive. I de-activated it soon after. With Myspace, I can at least keep some things private. Facebook is loaded with so much unnecessary s***. I don't care to read which of my friends is a fan of bacon, nor do I care to read what one of my friends wrote on another's page (or "wall"). If I did, I'd visit that person's page. I DO enjoy seeing photos of friends, and writing back and forth. I do enjoy leaving a silly comment and/or picture for a friend. I DON'T like seeing a notification that one of my friends has posted a comment for me, but NOT being able to read it because of all of the other bulls***. And what's with this Super Poke crap? I poked you! Poke me back! So why does it seem as if EVERYONE is playing with Facebook? Am I a fossil? Have I not given Facebook enough of a chance? Is the lure of the Dark Side too much to resist? I have re-activated my Facebook page, to see what all the hubbub is. I have found TONS of people that I know within a matter of a week! (I'm up to 132 friends on Facebook; 230 on Myspace.) The lure of the Dark Side is strong, indeed. Yet, I'm still skeptical. I do like finding many familiar faces, but I still don't like the unnecessary s***. I find myself wondering why people are taken in with this. I don't get it.

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