Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm sure he'd be thorough....

Recently, Ted Nugent wrote an editorial on stating that he would like to be President Obama's Drug Czar.

Ted writes:
We need a Drug Czar who will commit to the American people to stopping at least 50% of the illegal drugs flowing into the country within the first year of the Obama Administration. That's the kind of leadership America wants and deserves from its government.

Call me, President Obama. Hippies, dope heads, corrupt politicos and various other human debris hate me, which makes me the perfect man for the job.

As Drug Czar, I would charge our mayors and police departments to commit to fighting the drug gangs their top priority. Our inner cities will remain war zones until we commit to taking the trash out.

I can just hear it now; Stranglehold playing as people get busted for smoking dope......

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