Saturday, January 31, 2009

A bit disturbing

Okay, so I have a dirty mind. I can't help it. But SOMETIMES...these things just pop out at you. Watch this:

I know, it's the same dude from the "ShamWOW!" commercials.

Did you notice him say the following? (Watch again)

1.)"You're going to be in a good mood all day, because you'll be slapping your troubles away...."
2.)"You're gonna love my nuts. Watch this"
3.)"It's so easy. 1 finger. Kids can do it."

Dirty bastard!!

Holy s***!

Okay, this happened a week ago at a monster truck show, in Madison, WI.

How tragic!!! Now check out this one:

Am I wrong, or is that little kid yelling "He was faking"?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oh puhleez!!!!!


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Why I'm glad I don't have a daughter

-Katy Perry (see blog The twit and her twat)

-Hannah Montana banana nana fo fana

-Sex and the City I don't care if it's popular, it's about sluts

-American Idol If I did have a daughter, I'd tell her that it's a documentary on how NOT to behave


Laurel, Delaware ... A 16-year-old girl went after her parents with two large kitchen knives after her father took away her cell phone.

The freaked-out parents locked themselves in their bedroom and called police. It took officers about 10 minutes to calm down the teen and persuade her to put down the knives. Delaware State Police say the girl violently attacked the door while her parents hid in the bedroom.

According to investigators, it all started when the girl's father took her cell phone. Apparently she'd already gone through her monthly minutes and the father suspected she'd stolen money from her mother's purse to buy more minutes on a prepaid phone card. Oh yeah, that reminds me:

-Cell phones LMAO, BYB, WTF?

And of course, the main reason I'm glad I don't have a daughter:


Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm sure he'd be thorough....

Recently, Ted Nugent wrote an editorial on stating that he would like to be President Obama's Drug Czar.

Ted writes:
We need a Drug Czar who will commit to the American people to stopping at least 50% of the illegal drugs flowing into the country within the first year of the Obama Administration. That's the kind of leadership America wants and deserves from its government.

Call me, President Obama. Hippies, dope heads, corrupt politicos and various other human debris hate me, which makes me the perfect man for the job.

As Drug Czar, I would charge our mayors and police departments to commit to fighting the drug gangs their top priority. Our inner cities will remain war zones until we commit to taking the trash out.

I can just hear it now; Stranglehold playing as people get busted for smoking dope......

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Let's do the time warp again!!!!

I'll skip the commentary. I'll just give you a transcript of the phone call I got today while I was on the air:

Me: Q 106

Caller: Hey, man! I was caller 27, but I think I got disconnected. I heard the other guy won, but I was just wondering (pause) if I was caller 27 when you were like "Hey, so what's happenin'?"

Me: Huh?

Caller: You said, "Hey, what's happenin'?" and then I got disconnected.

Me: No. I would've said what number you were and then went on to the next one (caller). So ah....

Caller: (interrupting) Oh, okay. How late you gonna- is this like Craig, or no?

Me: I'm sorry?

Caller: This ain't Craig is it?

(long pause)

Me: You have the wrong station, dude.

Caller: Is this Q 106?

Me: Yeah.

Caller: Oh, all right. (slurs) I won a party cruise- Craig VanDell back in '84 or so. I wasn't sure if he was still...

Me: (interrupting) Yeah, that was 25 years ago, dude.

Caller: Well, you know... (muttering) well you know....we're all... we all get older but we (pause) (inaudible) (sighs)

Me: All right, dude. See ya!

Caller: (muttering) Q 106 has bee....

Me: hang up

The twit and her twat

The buzz the other day was that Katy Perry had taken a vow of celibacy for the rest of 2009. (She recently split with her boyfriend.)

In case you're wondering, Katy Perry is that twit who sings that AWFUL "I Kissed A Girl" song.

"I’ve actually taken a vow of celibacy this year," she told TV Guide. "No kissing anyone. Just my cat, Kitty Purry.”

Big effing deal, I thought. Just what the world needs, another role model for young girls. God forbid there actually be a wholesome one, right?

But, wait! It turns out she was just kidding.

"That was a joke!" she said “And any fine journalist would have gotten that joke and inserted that in the context. I’m not going to be celibate, I guess I’m just going to be looking for the right one. But please! Celibacy for a whole year?! I’d rather die! That’s just how the media works. I’m a continual prankster and a jokester, and people forget that you have to interpret that if I’m telling a joke."

Ha ha. very funny

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A name with a, voice actually...

I've been a radio personality in the Lansing market for nearly 7 years. I've done different formats: Adult Contemporary, Contemporary Hit Radio (or Top 40, if you prefer), a little bit of Country, a little bit of Classic Hits, and the latest; Mainstream Rock.

I've done the overnight shift, afternoon drive, and have played with morning drive, mid days and evenings.

As a result of talking on the radio for a living, I have met all kinds of people. Naturally, I've had an assortment of phone conversations with people too.

It never ceases to amaze me how astonished the average person is when meeting (or just talking to) a local radio personality. (Although I can relate somewhat, I certainly have some personal favorites that I look up to.)

Some common things I have heard from people over the years:

"Wow! You're like, a celebrity!" To which I reply, "Yes, LIKE a celebrity."

"Do you know Tim Barron?" Sure

"Is Domingo your real name?" Which isn't a bad question. I've just heard it a bazillion times. The answer is yes, by the way.

At ANY station event:
"Which one are you?" Manners.... get some. (ie. "Hi, I'm_______. Who are you?")

"Where's Mojo?"

or better still.....

"Do you know Mojo?" I think so.....

Of course, there's always....
"Do you make a lot of money?" You'd be embarrased if you saw the paycheck

And the phone calls. Oh, the phone calls:

Me: Q106

Caller: Hey. You guys need to get a f***ing cement truck, dude. You guys would be TIGHT. Put a big 'ol f***ing Q106 on the side, and then just roll it around driving it through Jackson."

That sounds awesome, dude. Do you want to drive it?

Caller: I'll drive a cement truck, s***!

Me: I think that's an awesome idea.

Caller: Hell yeah! I will do that!

I pause now, to smile..... okay....

Of course, a lot of the generic, or repetitive comments come with the territory. (Even the wacky phone calls.) I've met a lot of really cool people. Some people have followed me from station to station. Some come faithfully to station events. Some call just to say thanks, or to express their love of the radio station. Some people have even become really good friends of mine.

It's nice meeting genuine people. It's nice to relate. It's nice to see people realize that I'm just a regular dude....trying to make a living too. (Although, I am here to entertain.) It's this type of interaction that endears people to the radio station even more. It makes people want to listen, it makes them want to help out a cause that we support. It makes them happy to know that we (being radio personalities) are "real".

Another thing I hear sometimes is, "It's nice to put a name with a face, or put a voice to a face."

That makes me smile.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What's uh, the deal?

A new joke going around:

What do Lincoln, Kennedy and Obama have in common?

Nothing yet. Boo. A joke's a joke, but that one's in poor taste. Come on.

When did the term "liberal" become a bad word? Doesn't it mean "change"? "Open minded?" Let me get my dictionary.....

That's what I thought.

Strange how many often imply that it is associated with the decline of this nation. Strange indeed.

Congrats, Mr. President. Now get to work. Show THEM what you've got!

Monday, January 19, 2009

I don't get it

I'm 30; I'm fairly tech savy. I text (slowly), I use the voice mail on my phones (both a cellular AND a land line), I LOVE my digital cable, and I enjoy the internet. I have a Myspace page to keep in touch with people, and to re-connect with others. Cool. Simple enough. Now I find myself toying with the latest craze: Facebook. I created a Facebook page a year ago. Hated it. I found it too intrusive. I de-activated it soon after. With Myspace, I can at least keep some things private. Facebook is loaded with so much unnecessary s***. I don't care to read which of my friends is a fan of bacon, nor do I care to read what one of my friends wrote on another's page (or "wall"). If I did, I'd visit that person's page. I DO enjoy seeing photos of friends, and writing back and forth. I do enjoy leaving a silly comment and/or picture for a friend. I DON'T like seeing a notification that one of my friends has posted a comment for me, but NOT being able to read it because of all of the other bulls***. And what's with this Super Poke crap? I poked you! Poke me back! So why does it seem as if EVERYONE is playing with Facebook? Am I a fossil? Have I not given Facebook enough of a chance? Is the lure of the Dark Side too much to resist? I have re-activated my Facebook page, to see what all the hubbub is. I have found TONS of people that I know within a matter of a week! (I'm up to 132 friends on Facebook; 230 on Myspace.) The lure of the Dark Side is strong, indeed. Yet, I'm still skeptical. I do like finding many familiar faces, but I still don't like the unnecessary s***. I find myself wondering why people are taken in with this. I don't get it.