Thursday, February 26, 2009

How does that work?

You know how several stores are "going green" by offering reusable shopping bags? They look like this:

This saves on paper and plastic bags. I have several of these bags and use them almost everytime I go shopping with my family.

It's a great idea. I'm just wondering, why is it that at the end of EVERY check out, there's a machine that spits out worthless paper? Coupons for stuff you'll never buy! Even things that aren't coupons. Your kid should be crapping in these diapers!!! I understand a coupon for dairy printing out when I buy milk. But why does a pet food coupon print when I only buy a fountain pop and a sandwich? Yes, I have 2 cats....but how the hell do they know? Is it shown on my debit card payment history? Creepy..... My favorite example of wasted paper happened 2 nights ago. I bought a box of cereal and a half gallon of milk. It was simply those 2 items. The receipt paper that accompanied the purchase was 16 inches long! That's the size of a grinder sandwich! It contained unneccessary information on how many points I have earned, a series of products that have been recalled, how much money I saved during the purchase, how much money I have saved since I FIRST STARTED USING THE CARD (no s***!), a bunch of codes that look like hieroglyphics to me, FUEL points (in case I want to get gas from this place), a disclaimer and a website for the store.

I've used less toilet paper.

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