Monday, August 31, 2009

Halloween 2: Zombie Overkill

Let me start by saying that I've been a fan of the Halloween series for many years now. The original 1978 Halloween by John Carpenter is a classic (which is a bold statement by today's 'standards', ie. people with such small attention spans-if there isn't enough action-it's boring). The series got progressively silly from that point on (Michael's mask is different in EVERY movie), but so what? It's a slasher series. It's supposed to be fun to watch, and not taken seriously.

A couple of years back, Rob Zombie was tapped to write and direct the 9th film in the Halloween series. He decided to do a "reboot" and start the story from scratch. Zombie releases his Halloween in August of 2007. I gave that film a B- when I reviewed it. "There's plenty of blood, and there are plenty of boobies (not to mention a good amount of fucking, refereces to fucking and plenty of utterences of the word "fuck"). It's a slasher flick. It's Rob Zombie. You do the math. Just don't expect an AWESOME film."

Here we are 2 years later, with another Zombie Halloween film. More boobs! More gore! More Michael! MORE BACK STORY!!!!

Rob Zombie took a simple thing like the boogey man and turned it into a long, twisted story that requires too much thought to be considered fun.

The original Halloween: Little boy kills his older sister. He's locked up for 15 years at a mental hospital. He escapes and goes after 3 High School chicks. He wears a white mask that hides his face and features. He kills a lot of people. Why? NO EXPLANATION. SPOOKY!!!

Rob Zombie's Halloween: Ugly kid gets picked on at school. Has an asshole for a stepdad, a slutty sister and a mother who strips. He snaps! And kills a lot of people.... Spooky? Naw. Ugly kid escapes mental institution as an adult and goes after his younger sister. Wears a mask and kills a lot of people.....

Rob Zombie's Halloween 2: Escaped lunatic lives as a bum...... kills a lot of people... is still crazy..... has mommy issues..... kills a lot of people.... goes after younger sister...... who somehow feels a connection..... ???

Basically, Rob Zombie decided to add LAYERS and LAYERS to a story that shouldn't have been fucked with at all.

Not spectacular. I give it a C

P.S. I spent the past week trying to come up with the appropriate words for this review. I did what Rob Zombie did..... I OVERTHOUGHT!!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I still have time to do this!!!

I've been neglecting my blog as of late. Honestly, I've been busy planning a wedding, getting married, working, raising a 4 and a half year old, and getting fired. (As I mentioned before, I will touch more on those subjects soon) In the midst of all this, I have had a chance to see some great films.

Rather than blog about each one individually (since some of these film have been out for a bit), I figured I'd give a quick review of each.

Honestly, this is a great film! Sometimes, animated films like these lean more toward the children, and every once in awhile sophisticated humor is thrown in for the adults (which throws the kids off). With Monster vs. Aliens, the film really does work for both children and adults. It doesn't try too hard to be a clever adult movie, and it doesn't dumb down too much for the kids; it's just funny. Well played by all of the voice actors. Bob (voiced by Seth Rogen) is hilarious. Great family film.

The previews for this film didn't really appeal to me. (I went to see it because a buddy wanted to.) I expected a bunch of explosions and dopey dialogue, in other words; I was expecting it to be a worthless action film. (Besides, I was never much into Star Trek) Wrong. Not only was the story compelling, but the action was anything BUT worthless. From start to finish, Star Trek will keep your attention. It's a nice fresh twist on an older series. I was pleasantly surprised. When you hear the good reviews (and you will), believe them.

There's not much to say about this one. It was a nice family outing. It was fun watching several groups of animals on the big screen, with narration provided by Darth Vader. I mean James Earl Jones!!! Sorry. "Cute" and "charming" would some up this film best. Enjoy.

Mind you, this is based on the opinion of someone who has NOT read the book. I saw The DaVinci Code three years ago, and found that to be very entertaining. Tom Hanks returns on the follow up, Angels and Demons. I found this one to be a bit better than its predecessor. It seemed to have more action and fewer slow spots. This film, though long, and though it slows a bit by the end, does entertain.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Don't Stop Believin'

On Tuesday, I caught the new show Glee on Fox. It's the story of a High School Glee club, made up of all walks of life. It took a few minutes for me to get into the show at first; the writers sort of threw a monkey wrench in there. The beginning was sort of lambasted with odd humor. Don't get me wrong, that's okay. But I was afraid the show was going to get stale REALLY quickly. Thankfully it recovered before long. (Or maybe, I just needed the few minutes to get acclimated.) The characters turned out to be hilarious, and the circumstances surrounding the Glee Club were a hoot. Glee, in fact, turned out to be very entertaining. Despite the fact that I had to sit through some music by Journey (I'm so glad that I wasn't eating), the music was refreshing. It's too bad that we have to wait until fall to see the series.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Coming soon.....more blogs!!!

Dear readers,
It's been far too long!!! I'll get some blogs up here very soon! I've got plenty of topics to blog about!






-Star Trek


-Monsters vs. Aliens

-Angel and Demons

and of course, the new TV show Glee

Lots to say! (Better late than never) Check back soon!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009


They made it a PG 13 film!!! Wusses!!!

I certainly hope that with this rating (which will obviously attract a younger audience) that the film doesn't sacrifice a good story for neat-o explosions.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

(Possible) Names for Span's show

(For those of you who are unfamiliar with who I am talking about, Span is the 7 to Midnight jock at Q 106. Yes, Span is his real name. Anyway, his predecessor called his show "The Asylum". Because I was bored, I tossed around a few ideas that Span could call the show, now that it's his.)

*Spoonin' with Span

*Getting forked by Span. (nah)

*Span, Span, he's the man....if he can't do it.... MAC D can.... (maybe)


*Span's Highly Intellectual Theatre (spoken with British accent)

That's it for now. My money is the first one, or the last one. Come to think of it, the last one probably works best; especially if it's abbreviated with the first letter of each word.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Glad I don't work for them!

Clear Channel cut 590 radio jobs today! DAMN

Bring back the private owners!!!!

From the AP:
Tue Apr 28, 8:29 pm ET

SAN ANTONIO – Clear Channel Communications Inc., the largest owner of U.S. radio stations, said Tuesday it is cutting 590 jobs, including some on-air personalities, in its second round of mass layoffs this year amid pressure from the recession and evaporating advertising budgets.

Clear Channel's parent company, CC Media Holdings Inc., also said it will suspend its 401(k) match for all employees for the rest of the year, starting Friday. However, if the company hits 90 percent of its budget goals at the end of the year, the matches will be retroactively restored, a company spokeswoman said.

The latest cuts represent 2.7 percent of company's total work force of 22,100. They affect operational jobs like engineering, accounting and customer service, all in the radio division. The company also has an outdoor advertising division, which sells items like billboard space and wasn't affected by the job cuts.

The previous cuts of 1,850 jobs came in January and were also in the radio division, mostly in sales.

Clear Channel didn't break out the latest cuts by geography or job function, but said they do include some on-air personalities, whose identities weren't disclosed. Employees were notified of the cuts Tuesday.

Monday, April 27, 2009

It certainly DOES feel like a Monday

Damn. I think I should just sleep all day.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Got it!!!

So, there are certain members of Layne's family (my fiance) and certain members of my family who are unhappy with our relationship, and seem to be hell bent on making things as miserable as possible for us.

It's tough. We're both trying to take the high road, turn the other cheek, be the bigger person, etc. Swallowing one's pride is nauseating.

I've thought of the perfect analogy:

With our two families it's like vomiting and diarrhea; we're getting it on both ends.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Should have let Fredo handle it......

Oops....The Family's gonna be pissed.

Publisher: Please give us back our illegal weapons
by Mike Smith

Pens? Snore. T-shirts? Boring. Notepads? Been there, done that. Thinking up creative ideas for promotional tchotchkes can't be easy, but someone at uber-publisher Electronic Arts went a little too far last week.

The game in question: Godfather II, a Grand Theft Auto-style adventure based on the famous movie. The offending item: a set of brass knuckles, mailed to video games journalists together with other goodies including a cigar, a silk handkerchief, and a book of matches. But while it nicely complements the game's mafiosi theme, it also had the unfortunate side-effect of turning recipients of the mailing into criminals, as mere possession of brass knuckles is illegal in many states and can carry hefty penalties. After blog GamePolitics expressed its consternation, the publisher began a flurry of hush-hush phone calls to arrange the return of the weapons. EA declined to comment beyond expressing a desire to assist journalists in proper disposal of the items. The controversial promo also doesn't seem to be helping out the game's critical fortunes: it's turning in some decidedly mixed reviews.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Picture of the week

This best describes how I feel about people on most days.

Thanks, Kimmy!

I can dig it

From Facebook:

Domingo took the Which Beatle are you? quiz and the result is John Lennon
John is the leader. He has his chin up, looking down his nose, feet apart, and drives the band with his rhythm guitar and raunchy voice. John was a screamer vocally but could also rival Paul when singing soft ballads. John doesn't take his job as leader seriously, and is often malicious, especially towards George and Ringo. He never sits, he slouches. He will often pull funny faces and immediately wipe it off. The other Beatles always want to know what John thinks and are influenced by John's thoughts about them. John tends to use sarcastic,dry,cheeky humor. He is extremely lazy and overly laid-back. Yet he truly cares about the band members and will do anything for them.

Domingo completed the quiz "Which Jedi are you?" with the result Obi Wan Kenobi.
You are smart and patient. You've learned to think first and act later. The tragedies in your life have made you wiser.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I'm all about this!!

Let's bring 'em back to Lansing!! Demand it!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


More SNOW? Really? After such a nice weekend off, too. Can I call in sick?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Reading is FUNdamental

I don't read nearly as much as I should. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I've dulled my attention span over the years with TV and video games. I read maybe 2 or 3 books per year. My fiance reads an average of 2 or 3 books per week. PER WEEK. Now, I'm not trying to compete with her, but that is definitely enough of reason to inspire me to crack a book more often.

I am currently reading:

And on deck:

With more Puzo and Godfather books to follow! Hey, maybe Mafia stories will be my thing.

Monday, March 30, 2009

More stupid s***

I'm looking foward to this new train wreck!!! Tonight after Idol!


*Seeing a young woman driving around in a mini van the other day....with a 2 year old girl on her lap.

*Trying to order a "Sesame Bagel" at Tim Horton's and somehow having that interpreted as "Bacon Sandwich" by the stoner working the drive thru.

*Waiting 5 minutes for the stoner to figure out how to process my debit card payment.

*Talking to a listener on the phone, rambling on about winning a prize (that we didn't give out).

*Trying to convince the listener that he had us confused for another station.

*Realizing that the listener was probably high.

*Putting this list up as a blog entry.

*Wondering why people are so stupid

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Awesome stuff!


Check out these lyrics!!

I would give you the stars in the sky but they're too far away
If you were a hooker you'd know I'd be happy to pay
If suddenly you were a guy I'd be suddenly gay

My heart belongs to you
My love is pure and true
My heart belongs
Byt my cock is community property

Check 'em out here

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why Paul is my favorite

Still a KISS fan after all these years. Gene Simmons is a money grubbing whore; I'll give you that. But Paul Stanley..... he just cracks me up.

The moron behind the camera asks Paul about why taking a dump is "banned" on a tour bus. Paul replies, "I don't know. We have a private jet. Sorry!"

Take that. Check it out

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


It was inevitable, I guess.....

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Nice one

From our prep service. Can you spot the error?

(Posted 3:00 AM, 3/24/2009)

David Letterman married Regina Lasko, his girlfriend of a decade and father of their son Harry, 5.

SET-UP: "David Letterman got married last Thursday, and they actually recorded his wedding night for the show, and we have it...."

Did you see it?

I thought that Regina was Harry's MOTHER, and that Letterman was the FATHER.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

quality writing

Please, is there no better title for this?

Pumpkins Drummer Makes Smashing Departure

Drummer Jimmy Chamberlin has parted ways with the Smashing Pumpkins, according to a post on the band's official website. No reason was given for the split, which leaves frontman Billy Corgan as the group's only remaining original member. "Corgan will continue to write and record as Smashing Pumpkins with plans to head into the studio this spring," reads the statement. After disbanding in 2000, the Pumpkins returned with a new album, Zeitgeist, in 2007. Smashing Pumpkins -- Official Site

Really? Is this what passes as clever?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

So long, Andy

It was fun working with you, Andy. You're a talented dude. Best of luck to you!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More Potty Humor

"Borrowed" from a friend. The names have been changed to simply "Dude" and "Chick" to protect the innocent.....and guilty. Enjoy:

A "Dude" and his "Chick" are hanging out in their bedroom. "Dude" decides he has to pee. When he comes out of the bathroom.....

Dude: Man, I ripped like 3 huge farts in there.

Chick: (Starts to gag) Yeah, I can smell them.

Dude: (Laughing) They followed me out here?

Chick: (After spraying air freshener) I was going to get us some cheese and crackers, but I think you might want to take care of that first.

Dude: You think I need to make some room, huh? You could go get everything ready while I go.

Chick: Ok, I'll go cut the cheese while you...

At this point, "Chick" bursts into laughter and can't continue the conversation.

True story.....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


You know what sounds good? Green tang.....

Monday, March 16, 2009

No green beer for you, mama!!

So, my friend Kelly is a mom (and now qualifies as a MILF). She has a cute little baby boy, who was born this past December.

Her husband asked her if she wanted to do anything this year for St. Patricks Day.

Kelly pointed to the baby's room and said to her husband, "That IS the result of last St. Patrick's Day!!!"

Friday, March 13, 2009

Potty humor

So, I was texting with my friend Carrie last night. She mentioned that she was going to see Urinetown. (I don't know what the f*** that is....apparently it's a play.)

Me: How was pee pee city?

Carrie: It wasn't that good.

Me: Were you pissed?

Nice one.

Me: Did it whiz by?

Not even a wee bit funny?

Carrie: That it didn't. How many of these do you have, D?

Me: A drop or so....

Carrie: Silly, D.

Me: Oh, you love me. (I was waiting for her to respond with "You're # 1" or something to that effect. But at that point.....she dumped the conversation.)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hey! I was gonna eat that!

Earlier today, Johanna (our sweetheart of a sales assistant at the radio station) sent everyone this e-mail:

From: Johanna
Sent: Wed 3/11/2009 10:11 AM
To: Lansing
Subject: there's pie!

Grand Traverse just popped in, and there are two fresh pies on my desk. Yum...

I got the e-mail at home. I figured that there wouldn't be any left by the time I got into work. (Although I was secretly hoping there would be.)

When I got to work around 11:15 PM, I was delighted to see a box in the studio with a new plastic bowl on top of it.

Ah, pie, I thought. That sounds good. I could hardly wait. Then I opened the box.....

It looked as if someone had f***ed it! Remember American Pie from 10 years ago? I was pissed.....

Dare to dream

Monday, March 9, 2009

(Some) Things that make me laugh

When people pronounce the word "vehicle" vee hick uhl.

When a cashier gives me back $1.05 in change and actually says "A dollar oh five is your change." (I've heard it, several times.)

When people think that by being a radio personality that I make TONS of money, when in reality, I get paid with the station's bottle return money.

When people ask me if Domingo is my real name. (Actually that's annoying)

When my boy sings KISS songs. (Jorryn is 4 1/2. He usually gets the lyrics mixed up, but he has the melody down perfectly!)

How Seinfeld references apply to almost anything in my life. (True dat)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Blame it the rain.....?

Earlier today I was heading out to run some errands and then head into work. It was raining, but I wasn't too concerned. I'll take rain over snow!

Anyway, I got on the freeway (96 Eastbound for all of you local yokels) and suddenly my car started to spin out of control!!!! It spun around and around from one side of the freeway to the next; I thought I was going to be crushed by all of the traffic going 70 MPH! I ended up safely in the median on the other side of the freeway, facing the wrong way. I was startled, to say the least. The car wasn't on fire and there didn't appear to be any problems with anything under the hood. I checked all four of the tires. They were intact. The car, which had stalled, started back up again.

Maybe I was driving too fast for conditions (it was pouring). I could have hit a slick spot.

Or maybe......just was the song I was listening to.

It just so happened that an Elton John tune was playing on the radio.

Right, my car has taste.

Blame it on Crocodile Rock.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The best damn call ever

Me: Q 106

Caller: Yeah, hi. I just wanted to call and tell you how pathetic my life is.

Me: How pathetic is your life?

Caller: Well, I sit in my myself, and I listen to the radio all day long.

Me: It's only pathetic if you're listening to anything other than Q 106.

Caller: Well, this is how pathetic my life is. I have no friends, so I sit.... and my only friends are Q 106. In the morning I have coffee with Bob and Tom. And they leave me at 10.

Me: But then Sheri's on.

Caller: Yeah. She's kind of hot.

Me: After you get done whacking off, then there's Mojo.

Caller: Well... (giggles) Well, I whack off to Mojo too.

Me: (laughs) And then there's Andy!

Caller:Well, no, no. See, first I think that, uh...Sheri is Heather Locklear. And then I see Mojo as a fat Pamela Anderson...

Me: (laughs)

Caller: ....with dark, short hair.

Me: And what's Andy?

Caller: Andy is like Tesla singing Love Song to me.

Me: So, what am I?

Caller: What are you?

Me: Yeah. Just some dude?

Caller: Oh, you're the teddy bear that I cuddle up with at night.

Me: I feel great now.

Caller: I love Q 106.

Me: Thanks, man.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I almost called for an ambulance...

I thought I was having a heart attack! I mean, I'm only 30! I was walking around the mall with my boy earlier. We walked by Barnes and Noble and I saw the advertisement for this book (as big as life):

My album I don't have photoshop, nor do I have the patience or time to play with MS Paint. It doesn't work for me.


I got this off of Facebook....

1. Go to “wikipedia.” Hit “Random Article” or click here

The first random Wikipedia article you
get is the name of your band.

2. Go to “Random quotations” or click here

The last four or five words of the very last quote
of the page is the title of your first album.

3. Go to flickr and click “explore last seven days” or click here

Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4. Use Photoshop/MS Paint or similar to put it all together. Like I said...not happening


My band name is KING VULTURE (I love that!!!)

My album title is ALWAYS BEEN TIMES LIKE THESE (which I think fits appropriatley with the album cover....)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Freaky picture

Rejected Happy Meal photo?

Sunday, March 1, 2009


"Dear God,
Please give me the strength to be a good father. Also, should you ever bless me with a daughter, PLEASE give me the strength and the will to make her turn out to be the complete opposite of THIS:

(I just threw up in my mouth a little.)

Thank you, God! You rock!



Saturday, February 28, 2009


So, I was watching the Weather Channel last night, as I was getting ready to go out to dinner.

It seems as though it's Tornado season for some of the Southern states.

The Weather Channel was providing me, the viewer, with tips on how to survive a Tornado. (Hey! I live in Michigan; it won't be long before we get hit by Tornado season too!)

The number # 1 place to avoid being during a Tornado (according to the Weather Channel)?

A trailer park......

Thanks for the tip!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

How does that work?

You know how several stores are "going green" by offering reusable shopping bags? They look like this:

This saves on paper and plastic bags. I have several of these bags and use them almost everytime I go shopping with my family.

It's a great idea. I'm just wondering, why is it that at the end of EVERY check out, there's a machine that spits out worthless paper? Coupons for stuff you'll never buy! Even things that aren't coupons. Your kid should be crapping in these diapers!!! I understand a coupon for dairy printing out when I buy milk. But why does a pet food coupon print when I only buy a fountain pop and a sandwich? Yes, I have 2 cats....but how the hell do they know? Is it shown on my debit card payment history? Creepy..... My favorite example of wasted paper happened 2 nights ago. I bought a box of cereal and a half gallon of milk. It was simply those 2 items. The receipt paper that accompanied the purchase was 16 inches long! That's the size of a grinder sandwich! It contained unneccessary information on how many points I have earned, a series of products that have been recalled, how much money I saved during the purchase, how much money I have saved since I FIRST STARTED USING THE CARD (no s***!), a bunch of codes that look like hieroglyphics to me, FUEL points (in case I want to get gas from this place), a disclaimer and a website for the store.

I've used less toilet paper.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Eight is enough!!!!

I'm willing to bet that no one will give a s*** about "Octo mom" by summer time. Any wagers?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dark Side of the Sun

(Laziness and a 4 day weekend has kept me from blogging about this promptly)

So, on Friday night I ventured to the Sun Theatre in Grand Ledge. (An awesome place to see a movie! Check them out here)

The Surrogate Band (a Pink Floyd cover band) was booked to perform the entire The Dark Side of the Moon.

Of course, they did this as The Wizard of Oz played on the movie screen.

This has been something that has been talked about for YEARS. In case you've never tried this, or if you have never heard of this- if you start The Wizard of Oz at the right moment, you can sync it with The Dark Side of the Moon and have a totally different experience of the film.

Certain songs and song lyrics stick out.

And who knows which is which, and who is who? from Us and Them is heard when the Good Witch of the North and the Wicked Witch of the West appear on screen together.

The intro to Money (cash register sounds) plays as the film switches from Black and White to Color.

The lunatic is on the grass from Brain Damage is playing as the Scarecrow makes his appearance.

I love Pink Floyd music. I enjoy every layer of of the songs; especially the lyrics. This is a fun experience. Of course, there are people (ahem) who enjoy Pink Floyd music with a little "herbal" refreshment. (The laser light show tends to help too).

However you enjoy Floyd, this is a trip that you should try, if only once.

That night at the Sun, the Theatre was PACKED; completely sold out (and them some). I was there for work, so I got in for free. There was no way I was getting a seat. It didn't matter because those who were standing made their own space regardless. People were dancing in the aisles, drinking booze (the Sun allowed it) and of course, enjoying the music. (The band sounded awesome!) Eventually, the smoke (I'm pretty sure it was all from the smoke machines) got very heavy and the projector quit working. It didn't matter. I looked around and saw everyone having a great time. I felt like I was at a huge house party.

Bravo to the Sun Theatre for pulling this off. Rocky Horror, anyone?

(I forgot to mention! Some asshole actually yelled out "Freebird!" I'm surprised there wasn't a riot!)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Now hiring proof readers

Oops!!! Check out this story (from

New Guitar Hero game misspells "Lynyrd Skynyrd"
At least they didn't call the band Leonard.
By Ben Silverman

Lynyrd Skynyrd might not be the world's most intellectual rock band, but at least they can spell their own name. Which is more than we can say for whoever designed the cover for the upcoming Guitar Hero: Metallica game.

Rolling Stone caught the spelling gaffe while checking out the game's cover art, which proudly displays the names of all the hard-rocking artists that grace the game's soundtrack. While bands like Judas Priest and Samhain enjoyed correct spelling, just off to the left of the "Hero" is the hitherto unknown band "Lynyrd Skynrd," whom we presume is some sort of Lynyrd Skynyrd cover band, minus a Y.

Guitar Hero: Metallica is the second game in the series to be based on the music of one particular group, following last year's Guitar Hero: Aerosmith. Since the Rolling Stone article broke, publisher Activision has updated the cover image in question. And that's a start, because haven't Skynyrd fans suffered enough?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

come on

There are three big bands from the '70s (who never really went away) that are still kicking and planning to release new music in 2009.


I'm not sure why, really. They haven't had a good album in ages. I'd say that 1993's Get a Grip was probably it for them. I guess it gives them a reason to keep touring, though.

Van Halen:

What was wrong with Van Hagar? For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge was the last golden one for them. Sammy left in 1995 and Dave returned (for a mere moment)! Then they got that dude from Extreme. (?) Then they went without a singer for a long time. Then Sammy was back. Then Dave was back! And then Eddie's son was in the band! Now that they have a lineup, and a successful "reunion" tour (actually 2 reunion tours) behind them, it's time for new music. Really? Okay, if you say so, Eddie.


What's missing in the KISS merchandise department? Of course! A new KISS album! Duh! KISS hasn't had a new album since 1998's Psycho Circus, the first studio album since putting the makeup back in 1996. It was decent, at best. Don't get me wrong, I am a KISS fan. It might be nice to hear new music. I just figured they would tour the rest of their career. All they've released in the past decade is a box set and several best of CDs. Really, how many KISS CDs do I need with Lick It Up on them? They're far from broke, so it's not (just) about the money. Maybe they have something to prove? I'll let you know when I figure out what that is. (By the way, there was nothing wrong with the non makeup KISS. Revenge was that era's best album. They could have easily stopped there, or kept going in that direction. Too late now.)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another big baby

At concerts, I hate it when artists throw their water bottles into the crowd. Apparently I'm not the only one. Check out this video from a recent Mötley Crüe concert:

(This was the best video with an embed code, for a clearer shot of Nikki Sixx's reaction go here)

So, Nikki throws his water bottle into the crowd. It appears that the same bottle was tossed back by some chick in the crowd. What does he do? He tears into HER! What a dick! He probably lost a life long fan too.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Such is life

Ah, the life of a 3rd shift radio personality.

On slow nights, when nothing is going on and I throw out topics or ask people to call in - naturally, no one does.

It's just like when I actually do need help finding something at Best Buy, there is no one to be found.

Eh, why not?

And now, a visual recap of the original Friday the 13th films (minus Freddy vs. Jason):

Any questions?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Friday the 13th

Over the years, I've grown fond of slasher flicks (most notably the Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th movies). There's no particular reason other than I find them amusing. These movies are entertaining to me. Freddy, Michael and Jason are all A-Ok in my book.

When I first heard that the new Friday the 13th movie was going to be a reboot, I was disappointed. Why not make a Friday the 13th Part 12? Why not have Jason somehow be alive yet again? But then I thought, they put Jason in space in the last one, there's not much more they can do with the story from that point. After Freddy vs. Jason, all was quiet on the Crystal Lake front.

29 years after the original Friday the 13th was shown in theaters, the new Friday the 13th re-introduces Jason Voorhees.

I was pleased. This was a good movie. The writers took some elements from the first 4 Friday the 13th films, sprinkled them in, and came up with a great film for 2009. This was much better than the Halloween remake.

There was no complicated origin. We know who Jason is and why he kills. Yes, we know who's going to die (or do we?). The film is simple enough to follow, yet is still full of some scares and a good story. Is there plenty of blood? Sure! Is there cheesy dialogue? OF COURSE!! Are there titties? You have to ask? It's a SLASHER FLICK! Actually, it's a FRIDAY THE 13TH film!!!! I'll say this: the titties were "spectacular". Go see the movie to find out what that means.

Mötley Crüe

On the night of Friday the 13th, I did something I didn't think I'd ever do; I saw Mötley Crüe in concert. !!! (pause for reaction)

I actually enjoy the Crüe's music. It's something that has grown on me more and more throughout the years. I have Dr. Feelgood and Decade of Decadance on CD. However, I thought that they would have broken up or have died by now. Fortunately, that's not the case.... so I grabbed my girlfriend, climbed on board the Q 106 party bus, and headed to the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids.

Theory of a Deadman and Hinder opened the show. TOAD was pretty good; a decent warm up band. Hinder was better. They were definitely the crowd pleasers. They sounded better than the last time I saw them (July 2007).

The Crüe wasted no time in taking the stage with a full scale assault.

Of course, I didn't see this Crüe:

It was this Crüe:

A sober, more mature (practically knocking on death's door) Mötley Crüe. Vince, who is heavier than he was in the Crüe's heyday, sounded okay. Granted, he's not the greatest singer....but he did his best to sing the songs as they were recorded. Nikki Sixx went from being a stringy heroin addict, to a buff rock and roll star. He did his part to keep the crowd cheering. Tommy Lee is still a f***ing idiot. Rather than play a drum solo, he talked to the crowd, sounding like a 17 year old black kid. He pointed out the "titties" in the crowd and dropped to his knees to pray, hoping God would hear all who were in the crowd. Mick Mars, who looked like he was living on borrowed time, played well....but I swear he had strings attached to him to hold him upright.

All in all, the Crüe played well. They seemed like they were having fun, and as a result- the crowd seemed to enjoy the show.

I had to wait until the very end for my favorite Mötley Crüe song (Home Sweet Home - their only encore) but it was worth it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What passes as entertainment (for me) these days...

I find myself stuck in the re-run zone. Lately, I've been watching a lot of these shows:

Seinfeld Well, duh! Why not?

Yes, I enjoyed Home Improvement in its day. Shut up.

Again, shut up.

And now...

Which isn't in reruns yet, but I'm raising a 4 year old and it's found its way into my head!!!

My brain is about 99% Cottage Cheese now.....